Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hiatus in a sense...

I have been a bad blogger for a while. I have been so busy...ugh. Lots of news to share and certainly when I have more time I will do a full update.


1. Pediatrician visit a few days ago, twins got killed me.
2. G is walking like a pro now. Only a few days from her 1 year bday, we got pictures, I will send them via newsletter soon. (Jen, I still need your address...)
3. J went from our cool cat to a baby in misery...he is cutting teeth. I though G was bad...ugh.
4. Allergies suck, for a 1 year old, a mommy and a daddy. What a great gene to pass onto your children!
5. Grandparents from both sides are coming into town tomorrow. We will have a very full house. We thought 5 bedrooms would be enough. We don't even have a guest it time for a move? We are looking...I will email links soon enough.
6. K the nanny has been reduced in hours to just morning and 3 nights a week. We are getting the hang of it I think, and it will be nice to eventually not have that expense.
7. We are taking a vacation with the whole family... I am talking 50+ people to the Hamptons. My great great grandparents, great grandparents, now my grandpa and soon us, will inherit a house on the beach. Amazing...think Great Gatsby meets Kennedy compound, meets the episode of Sex and the City at Richards house. I love it there. We spent summers there as kids...I can't wait to do this every year with our brood.

That's it for now...time to head to work...yes, that's other news. More about that later.

KKGJNV (that totally looks like a crazy mixed up name for a version of the


1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Thers a lot going on over there!! I look forward to seeing pics in the newsletter soon! :) Great to hear an update! And yes, your signiture did look like a version of the bible! I laughed when you said that because thats the first thing I thought of when I saw it :)
