Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Running, Responsibilities and Restful sleep

Well, I am sitting here bleaching my teeth for another 7 minutes, so I thought I would post. :)

G slept through the night last night for the first time in weeks!!!!! Amazing!

So, I am a big nerd and bought color coded monitors for the kiddos. Our bedroom looks like a security camera hub because the monitors all have video feeds. The twins light is yellow, G's is pinkish red and J's is blue. So, last night when J woke up and started fussing, both K and I sat up in bed, just waiting for G to start screaming, because we thought it was her waking up. We are both so blind without our contacts or glasses, that even with the color coded flashing lights, we both thought J was G. Anyhow, that was quite the adventure.

I wanted to assure all of you reading that you can still post comments on here. Now that the legal stuff is over, it really all comes down to the anonymity of it all. Just initials please! Thanks!

Marriage counseling went ok today. Kind of came to a big blow up at the end, in front of our therapist that we barely know. I was so embarrassed. I guess it is good to "get it all out", but I just couldn't help but feel a little self conscious about having a real fight in front of essentially a stranger. We are still having issues with the division of responsibilities bit. It is frustrating beyond belief for me to sit there and have EVERY RESPONSIBILITY shoved at me because I am not financially contributing. I pointed out to him today that the responsibilities that I take on as a stay at home mom are SAVING us money in the long run for childcare. Ugh.

I ran for the first time since last November today. I used to run about 3-5 miles a day without feeling too awfully bad, but after today, I seriously felt like passing out. I did 2 miles, thinking that would be a goodstarting point. I don't know if it was because I was pushing the stroller with 3 kiddos in it (G stayed home) or if it is because I am THAT far out of shape, but I could hardly climb the stairs today. Haha! We will see how this goes... Times up!


1 comment:

  1. Yayyy for G sleeping through the night!! Sorry that you had a blow out fight at therapy :( Youre right though, sometimes getting it all out (with a mediator) helps the situation. Good for you for running 2 miles while pushing THREE kids along with you! Thats great! I prob need to stop being a slacker and get back on it too. Pretty sure that I wouldnt make it 2 miles even though Im NOT pushing any kids along with me :)
