Monday, March 22, 2010

Trust is vital in a successful marriage right? My stomach feels sick and I am trying to be the quiet strength that my mom was when we were kids. I think he is cheating on me. I found inappropriate texts on his phone, and after confronting him, he put a password on his phone. Then I look at our account online and he talks to her, texts her, send picture messages to her. So now what? When I confronted him this morning, all he said was that it wasn't the big deal that I was making it out to be. It is a big deal to me. I am half way between throwing up and crying and staring blankly at the wall. 2 of my good friends have arranged a sitter for the afternoon and they are taking me to the spa. I don't want to go to the spa. That means something is really wrong. Ugh.

He makes me more exhausted than the 4 kids do right now. I just want to sleep for 12 hours straight, but I can't. I laid in bed all night, staring at the ceiling. Violet was up most of the night because she is having some bad allergies. We are going to the doctor tomorrow. He is out of the shower. More later.

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