Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mommy of the Year Award reading a blogger fiends post about the little "rules" that she breaks, I thought I would do my own. I related to MANY of the ones that she cited...and so many more.

Mom, Linda and Sarah....your grandchildren are safe I promise, even if this post suggests otherwise. :)

With having four children, all under the age of 2 (I can't say 1 anymore cause my little G is growing up so fast!) I have had numerous opportunities while juggling 3 infants to break a few "by the book" rules that only "bad mom's" break. I have come to terms with it though. I am almost always exhausted...imagine if I actually did everything by the book? It would be utterly exhausting with one (in my opinion) and certainly quadrupally (no idea if that can actually be made into a real word) exhausting with 4.

1) (this seems to be the most cited "mistake" other mom's make) Not strapping the kiddos in their swings.

2) We always have tons of leftovers that never get eaten, so instead of washing the dishes, I have thrown away a lot of our tupperware because, the idea of gagging at something other than baby poop is just horrifying to me.

3) I have put all 4 kids to bed very early so that I can crack open a bottle of wine and watch DVR'ed shows that I rarely get to watch.

4) I let all 4 of them nap wherever they fall asleep. I went through a phase of making sure they were all in bed when they napped, but I found it absoluetly miserable in every way to wake a sleeping baby and hope that it doesn't cry and wake up the brothers and sisters. G fell asleep on the bathroom floor while I bathed the other three and I left her there for a while until the guilt of being a bad mom was far too much to handle.

5) I shamefully get a little glee when any of the younger 3 cry in others arms, and then stop as soon as they are handed over to me.

6) I have used baby wipes instead of baths (I hate myself for this!)

7) When I’m feeling bad about myself, I load all of the kids in the car and go to Target. Then, I walk around until someone looks at the cart full of children and says, “Oh my, I don’t know how you do it!” I don’t even buy anything. I just go for a little validation and attention, and then come home.

8) When the twins were first born, I went almost a week without showering because I didn't have time!

9) I loooove taking showers, and probably subject my nanny to longer time of having the kids by herself than I need to because it is peace and quiet

10) (Being a former teacher I really should know better...)...When reading aloud to G, late at night because she won't go to bed, I skip pages on the "one more book" to get done sooner.

Many many more, but now I am feeling far too embarrassed. Haha... with that it IS shower time for Mommy while the kiddos are asleep.


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