Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Colorful History

I have 10 minutes to post because I am coloring my own hair... we'll see how that turns out. By the way, grays coming at 26 aren't really welcome. According to my mom, when she met my dad he was already going gray. Ken has some silver hairs, but as most men say "he looks distinguished". So I am trying out a new color. I will let you know how it goes.

To catch you guys up:

We put an offer on a new house by the river and found out from the realtor today that that they have accepted our offer! Exciting!! It will be a while before we move in because there is a lot of babyproofing to do. And we found out this morning that previous owners have been Muhammed Ali and the guy who is CEO of Hooters! How weird is that! It bothers me a little bit that our names will be added to that "star studded list", because it seems so out of our league, but I guess that's what you get when you need at least 6 bedrooms and want a view and a horse barn. Still a little weird to think about though. Family is thrilled to have a bedroom to stay in and not just couches. Katie will be taking the "mother in law suite" over the barn so she has her own little apartment and can come and go as she pleases when we don't need her without parading around the house. It has 8 bedrooms in the house, 7 and a half baths and numerous fireplaces. Typing that I do really sound like we are out of our league.

If I haven't told the history of our families, please excuse me. My family owns a winery and has for almost 200 years now. It has done very well, so inheritances are awarded when a grandchild completes college. My dad's side of the family is part of the Smuckers (grape jelly...yes, those Smuckers). Ken's family have been tobacco farmers since before the civil war in Kentucky. It makes me think of Gone with the Wind when we go to family functions. Pretty entertaining, and kind of intimidating to marry into if you are required to take etiquette classes to attend.

Ken and I fell far from the tree. We went to state schools and not schools that our families have attended for generations. We moved here and bought a modest house, pursued careers and didn't touch the family money until just recently when we were undergoing fertility treatments for Gia. It got expensive and so we broke down and spent some of the trusts willed to us to pay for fertility treatments. After being blessed with 4 little ones, we have set up trust funds for each of them and savings for college. We purchased this new house with part of the inheritances so that we would have enough room for growing kiddos. After this though, the family money will be put aside for the next generation. That kind of explains our situation here. I thought I had blogged about this before and I was reminded the other day that no one really knew our story.

Anyhow, Jackson is having huge issues sleeping and WILL NOT take solids or even a bottle. I am still breastfeeding him as his only source of nutrition. I know that a lot of his sleep issues stem from me not being able to give him enough for his body to function on. Poor guy. We are going to try some carrots today. Any other mom's have this issue? What has worked for you?

Time for the hair color to come out. More later I assume.

1 comment:

  1. SO glad to hear from you! Congrats on the house! It sounds WONDERFUL!! I hope your new hair comes out how you like it :)
